The DESIRE6G project is an exciting research initiative aimed at improving mobile networks to meet the growing demands of the digital age. This project is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe program and addresses the topic HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-01 – System Architecture. It involves a diverse group of 15 partners from 11 countries, including universities, technology SMEs and key industry players.
Over the past few decades, mobile communications have become an essential part of our daily lives, transforming into a fundamental infrastructure that supports digital demands from all industry sectors. However, the current 5G systems are expected to fall short in meeting the anticipated stringent performance requirements for the new generation of real-time mission-critical applications. This shortfall led to the creation of the DESIRE6G project, which aims to develop novel technologies that will provide faster, more reliable, and more energy-efficient connectivity than current 5G systems.

The primary goal of the DESIRE6G project is to design, develop, and demonstrate a new wireless communication system that will provide near real-time autonomic networking and support extreme ultra-reliable low-latency communication (eURLLC) application requirements. In simpler terms, DESIRE6G is working to create a new network that is even faster, more reliable, and efficient than current 5G networks to meet the demands of new applications.
To meet these objectives, DESIRE6G will employ a combination of innovative technologies such as terahertz (THz) communication, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. These technologies will allow the project’s participants to design and test new hardware and software components that will form the basis of the new wireless communication system.
Specific Objectives

Designing and developing a zero-touch control, management, and orchestration platform, wtith native integration of AI, to support eURLLC application requirements.

Re-architecting mobile networks using intent-based control and end-to-end orchestration to achieve near real-time autonomic networking.

Creating a cloud-native unified programmable data plane layer that supports multi-tenancy.

Supporting the data, control, management, and orchestration plane with a pervasive monitoring system.

Enabling communication- and energy-efficient distributed AI at the network edge while considering application-level requirements and resource constraints.

Validating the proposed innovations using a VR/AR/MR and a digital twin application at two distinct experimental sites.
Project Structure
Project Management
Lead & Project Coordinator: Chrysa Papagianni, University of Amsterdam
WP 1 is devoted to the technical and operational management, as well as the quality assurance of the project. It includes a task dedicated to Data Management and Ethics to set out the requirements and the procedures involved in the sensitive activities of the project.
Requirements and architecture design Management
Lead: Rafael López, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo
WP 2 defines the use cases, requirements, KPIs/KVIs, and provides the design and specification of the DESIRE6G architecture, laying the foundations for the technical work of the project. In addition, WP2 works on the validation of the DESIRE6G architecture sustainability through techno-economic studies.
Intelligent and secure management, orchestration and control
Lead: Anastassios Nanos, NUBIS
WP 3 develops the service and management orchestration layer, the multi-agent platform and the individual components that provide security along with the needed intelligence to deploy and manage workloads in the DESIRE6G platform.
Unified Programmable Data Plane Layer
Lead: Attila Mihály, Ericsson Hungary
WP4 provides the programmable data plane components of the DESIRE6G architecture that will enable flexible changes in data plane functionality and the rapid deployment of customized network functions. Furthermore, WP4 will develop a pervasive monitoring infrastructure to obtain real-time information about the network resources with configurable granularity.
Integration, Validation and Demonstration
Lead: Francesco Paolucci, Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni
WP 5 validates the experimental design of the use cases defined in the project, as well as the integration, testing and KPI/KVI validation and PoCs to showcase the project’s technologies.
Exploitation and Innovation
Lead: Carlos J. Bernardos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
WP 6 plans, coordinates and executes all communication, dissemination and exploitation activities associated with the developments in the technical work packages (WP2 to WP5).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.