DESIRE6G and PREDICT-6G to showcase their innovations at EuCNC 2024

Join us at our shared booth #19 & #20, featuring posters, videos, demos, and an immersive VR experience!

We are pleased to announce the participation of DESIRE6G and PREDICT-6G at EuCNC 2024, the premier European conference on networks and communications. Scheduled to take place in Antwerp, Belgium, from June 3rd to June 6th, 2024, this event serves as a platform for showcasing advancements in the field of telecommunications and bring together the entire 6G community in Europe.

DESIRE6G and PREDICT-6G share a commitment to revolutionizing networking with advanced technologies like AI and deterministic networking:

DESIRE6G (Deep Programmability and Secure Distributed Intelligence for Real-Time End-to-End 6G Networks) pioneers a future where networks are orchestrated through zero-touch control and AI integration, enhancing ultra-reliable, low-latency communication (eURLLC) applications. Its focus lays on real-time autonomic networking and a cloud-native programmable data plane. Additionally, its distributed AI capabilities optimize resource utilization for emerging applications.

Besides, PREDICT-6G (PRogrammable AI-Enabled DeterminIstiC neTworking for 6G) aims to design a deterministic network ensuring reliability, predictability and time sensitiveness across different technology domains. Leveraging AI-based control-plane framework and digital twinning, PREDICT-6G orchestrates multi-domain connectivity in heterogeneous 6G environments.

In parallel, PREDICT-6G and DESIRE6G will take part in the workshop titled “Architectural Considerations Enabling the IMT 2030 Framework by European 6G R&D Activities”, scheduled for 14:00 on Monday, June 3rd. The workshop builds upon the framework established by the ITU’s approval of M.2160 in late 2023, setting the stage for 6G development and addressing six usage scenarios and four overarching aspects. Additionally, PREDICT-6G will be present in workshop 3 (“The 6G series workshop by Hexa-X-II”) and 9 (“Trials, Pilots and Demos for Selected Verticals: the Experimental Way Forward towards 6G”).

Join us to explore how we shape the future of networking with their our focus on zero-touch control, AI integration, and end-to-end determinism.

See you there!